Featured services

is what most people think of when they hear or say, "I'm in therapy." Simply put, it provides a safe, non-judgemental place where you talk and the therapist listens. This on-going process leads to a therapeutic relationship in which you will learn more about yourself, the life you have created and ways to make your life better, more worth living.
is often effective in modifying a person’s behavior, emotional content, and attitudes. It is also affective for pain management, preparation for surgery, and personal development.More...
is a form of psychotherapy that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life experiences. It uses a structured approach to address past, present, and future aspects of traumatic memories.More...
Sex Therapy
is psychotherapy with an emphasis on healing sexual traumas that may be interfering with experiencing a natural, healthy sex life. Or, the focus can be on enhancing and invigorating sexual interaction that has become stale or disappointing. Dr. Templeton works with both individual and couples in reclaiming their sexuality. She also counsels individuals and couples who are experiencing difficulties due to prostate surgery.More...
is short for dialectical behavioral Therapy, an approach developed by Marsha Linehan at Washington University in the 1980's. It uses a cognitive-behavioral approach for learning the skills or mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolderance, and interpersonal communication. It is appropriate for teenager and adults.
Group, as well as individual therapy is combined in this approach.
Senior Services
Dr. Templeton has served as the psychologist at the Carol Woods Retirement Community
for the last 16 years. She has also served many clients dealing with issues of aging in her
private practice. Areas she provides assistance and support for include:
•coping with chronic health issues
•coping with pain
•coping with cognitive decline
•coping with shifting family dynamics as one ages
•supporting family members and spouses who are facing the decline and death of loved
•depression and anxiety that often accompany the above issues
•locating resources for those coping with the aging process
•poem at office on positive aspects
•continuing the quest to revisit and revise our life patterns and perspectives as we age and
move through the next developmental challenges
“In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long
past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual
curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.”
-Edith Wharton, A
Backward Glance
Pet Therapy
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is an amazing intervention that simply comes with visiting Dr. Templeton’s office. She and her trusty companion Maxine provide the passive psycho-physical benefits of interacting with pets. In this case her co-therapist is a German Shepard who has also worked with her at the Carol Woods Retirement Community. Before Maxine joined her staff; Bo, a black cocker spaniel and Eli, a German Shepard served as co-therapists. |
Billing and Payment Policy
Medicare Clients:
Dr. Templeton accepts Medicare and will file your claim for you. If you have a secondary insurance, Dr. Templeton will file that as well.
1. Full payment of $175 is due at the time of service for a 55 minute psychotherapy session.
2. We accept cash and checks.
3. Bad check charge: $15.00
4. Full fees are charged for sessions not cancelled 24 hours in advance (exception may be made in cases of serious extenuating circumstances.)
"Dr. Templeton works with you and your insurance company to the extent it is possible for her office to do so, filing claims, obtaining approval for visits and completing progress reports. She asks her client to sign the statement below:""
"I authorize Jean Templeton, Ph.D to release my medical information to my insurance company for this or related claims. I understand that I am financially responsible and consent to serve as guarantor of payment for all services rendered. Although Dr. Templeton may file insurance claims as a courtesy, I understand that Dr. Templeton cannot accept responsibility for collecting insurance payments or for negotiating a disputed claim. Insurance reimbursement is a contract between the patient and the insurance carrier. Insurance company's Usual, Customary, and Reasonable (UCR) allowances are established without regard to Dr. Templeton's cost and charges. I understand that I am responsible for the difference betweeen insurance payment and Dr. Templeton's charges."